Section: Software


Participants : Dante de Santis, Gianluca Geraci, Pietro Marco Congedo, Rémi Abgrall [corresponding member] .

RealfluiDS is a software dedicated to the simulation of inert or reactive flows. It is also able to simulate multiphase, multimaterial, MHD flows and turbulent flows. There exist 2D and 3D dimensional versions. The 2D version is used to test new ideas that are later implemented in the 3D one. This software implements the more recent residual distribution schemes. The code has been parallelized with and without overlap of the domains. An Uncertainty Quantification library has been added to the software. A partitioning tool exists in the package, which uses Scotch . In the coming years, all the know how of RealfluiDS will be transfered to Aerosol .